Welcome to my Projects Page!

Fr. Tom McGahee's Electronics Projects Page

No Fancy Graphics, No Pretty Pictures... Just ELECTRONICS PROJECTS You Can Build. Plus Other Goodies Such As My Homemade Fonts.

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PIC CAPACITANCE METER file CMETER.ZIP includes full schematics and printed circuit board layout, parts list, instructions, parts placement diagrams, and complete text of the assembly file. The Digital Capacitance Meter will measure from .01 pf to 16,777.215 ufd.

KEYPAD.ZIP contains the PIC assembly language listing for a keypad door entry system that allows you to have several different entry codes and change them at will.

I have created a set of Fonts that duplicate the characters found in the HITACHI HD44780 LCD Controller. This is the controller found in most LCD modules. The Characters are faithfully reproduced, even all the symbols and Japanese characters. I have added true typographic left and right quotes so the font can be used within wordprocessors that substitute these for regular quotes. If you print these characters on a background that is light gray or light green, then you can duplicate exactly the look of a standard LCD module.
LCD5x8H.TTF is a TrueType Font that can be used within any version of Windows.
LCDPS.ZIP contains the Adobe Postscript version for Windows.
LCDUNIX.ZIP contains the Adobe Postscript version for UNIX.
I am making these fonts freely available. You have permission to use and distribute all of these fonts. So post them on your own website if you want, give them to friends, share the wealth.

100_Amp.PDF explains how to measure large currents using an OpAmp

PICUART.ZIP contains a heavily commented assembly language program/document in MPLAB format that details how to use the PIC16C74's built-in UART

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