Last Change
25 May 2000

HAT- Code & Schematic


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I have commented everything. Later some of the routines will be converted to assembly since the C is so inefficient. I'm using the free version of B Knudsen's CC5X compiler, which does not optimize, the more costly versions have very good optimization. I am extremely pleased with this compiler, and recomend it. Email me for questions.

LEGAL: This code is copyright Adam Davis 2000. You are granted a limited license to download and use this code for personal non-commercial use. You may modify this code according to your needs and use it for personal, non-commercial use. You are allowed to distribute this code and any derivatives of it when these statements are included with your distribution. You may not charge for such distribution, nor can it be distributed with any commercial product, book, or other. This code and any of its derivatives are not to be used or sold for commercial purposes and uses. If you are interested in basing commercial devices on this code, contact Adam for information on licensing it for commercial use.

You are responsible for any losses or damage which occur from the use of this code, and you use it at your own risk. By obtaining/using this code you agree to accept any and all liability for its use.

node.asm (22KB)

node.c (13KB)

If you make changes or improvements to the code, I would appreciate hearing from you!

Computer Software:
I have created a simple serial port program which I am using to test the HAT with. Malcom Kemp has improved the program, and it is now very easy to use and very useful for communicating with small serial projects. The page with more details is here:

Simple Serial Port Software


The current schematic is fairly straightforward. If you notice any missing information, or have any suggestions, please contact me about them.

LEGAL: This schematic is fairly obvious and I don't care to copyright it. You, however, are responsible for any damage or losses you suffer due to the use of this circuit. By assembling this circuit you agree to accept personal liability for its use.

sch00101s.gif (6KB)
[Click here to see the schematic at a higher resolution (22KB 1177x953)]

Click here to download the schematic in Adobe Acrobat format
(PDF, 8KB, higher resolution than GIFs)

You'll need the (free, available for most computers) Acrobat Reader to read/print it.

[News] [Description] [Operation] [Future] [Pictures] [Code] [Schematic] [I want one!]

Everything on/in this site is copyright Adam Davis, 1999-2000, except where otherwise noted
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